Elated You Podcast

How To Get Out Of A Funk

Sarah Michaels Episode 13

Hey everyone, welcome to today's episode! I am so excited to share with you my personal journey on how I deal with feeling down or in need of shaking off the funk.

In this episode, I will be taking you through my process of lifting my mood and getting back on track when I am feeling low. 

We all have those moments when life throws us curveballs and we can feel down in the dumps, but the good news is, there are things that we can do to help us snap out of it.

I will be sharing my own experiences and the strategies that I have found to be most effective in helping me get back on track. 

This episode is perfect for anyone who wants to learn more about how to take control of their mood and improve their overall well-being. 

Whether you're feeling down or just looking for some tips on how to maintain your positive energy, I hope you find this episode helpful and insightful.

Hope you enjoy!

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Hello beautiful soul, I'm Sarah Michaels and welcome to the Elated You podcast, where we dive deep into the world of self discovery, growth and healing to find out who you truly are. Well, I just got back from Elwood beach and I just had I was gonna say a cold dip, but I actually had a swim, I actually swam for a good 10 minutes and I really loved it. So, today's episode is going to be how I get out of a funk, how I get out of feeling rage and sadness, and just all the emotions that I couldn't shift and push through. And I want to say a couple of things, firstly, I want you to feel what you need to feel, but I don't want you to get stuck in it, right. And so sometimes that can happen, we can get stuck in our thoughts and our mind can, you know, mess with us. And so, you know, it'd been like a good three days that I'd been feeling this like deep sadness, and then followed by rage. And it could be a number of things, I know that my dad's anniversary is coming up, e died three years ago. And always around that time stuff starts coming up for me. I've also held back eating a lot of foods that aren't serving me and I have got no more vices left. So I'm not numbing out like I usually do. And so I'm literally sitting with my feelings. So I did all the things, you know, went to all my tools. I've been journaling. I've been sitting with myself, but this morning I woke up and I still felt the sadness had left but I still felt a little bit of rage. And so I really wanted to shift that and so I went down to the beach, and I did some breathwork. And I followed that up with a beautiful swim in the cold ocean. So if you're in Melbourne right now, it was like five degrees this morning. So yeah, super cold. And you know what I'm honestly someone that likes to sit by the heater and sit on the duct, that's how would I get, but I had to psych myself up. So I decided, I literally decided just like I've decided not to eat crap, I decided that I was gonna go and have that cold swim. I put on my bikinis and it was the resistance was there. I was like, you know, my mind was going nuts too cold. Don't worry about it. You'll be fine. Just sit in the inside with the heater on. And I was like no, push through, push through. And I did I was like Nah, I'm not gonna listen to my mind. I'm going to do what I want to do. So yeah, I put my bikinis on, took a towel and some flip flops, and I went down to the beach and I came on my stories and I was like, I'm going I'm doing this I sat down, did some breath work did a bit of the Wim Hof circular breathing and just walked in slowly and yes, it was cold, but I just knew that once I went all the way in I was going to feel better and it was quite choppy to actually and I was just swimming through it, making sure that my head went under because on a scientific level. There is there's some science behind why we do the cold dips, you know as well as breathwork. It's all connected to the vagus nerve. And it's important that we activate that that vagus nerve because when we can activate that vagus nerve through breathwork or icewater immersions, you know called dips or swims, it actually relaxes so it regulates and relaxes our nervous system and that is what we want, right? We don't want to be in that high stress, sympathetic nervous system. We want to regulate our nervous system so that we can feel balanced and you know, be in that rest and digest in the parasympathetic where we can feel calmer, and I cannot tell you, it was like instant, I felt calm, I felt relief, like instantly, I was like, as soon as I was in there, I was like, pushing through that, you know, breathing. But even while I was in there, this time, it was different, I actually felt calmer in the water. So if it's something that you've never tried, I really highly recommend it and I encourage every single human to try this once because it is such an instant relief, to sort of help you drop in and make you feel calm, and I just feel so much better. So yeah, that's what today's episode is about… regulating your nervous system through ice water immersion. And look, there is a big community down here that does that, and I might even get Shawn on a podcast and he can talk more about it because more and more people are doing it. Yes, maybe some drop off during winter but it's a pretty big community that are doing this and I think once you start and you try it, it's… it's a really it's a really beautiful feeling and it's a really great way to start your day feeling fresh and empowered. So I hope you enjoyed today's podcast. Thanks for listening, if you found value in this content, please subscribe to my podcast and head over to Instagram @elated_you to see what I'm getting up to, bye