Elated You Podcast

Sit, Feel, Heal

Sarah Michaels Episode 26

In today's episode, I want to talk into a topic that I know many of us can relate to - feeling stuck, exhausted, and overwhelmed. 

Life can be a real roller-coaster at times, and it's easy to get bogged down by all the emotions that come along with it. 

But the good news is, there are ways to move through those emotions and come out on the other side feeling refreshed and reinvigorated. 

So today, I want to share my tips and insights on how to move through those tough emotions when you find yourself feeling stuck, exhausted, and just overwhelmed with it all. 

Hope you enjoy!

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Hello beautiful soul. I'm Sarah Michaels, and welcome to the Elated You podcast, where we dive deep into the world of self discovery, growth and healing to find out who you truly are.
 So I really want to talk today about how we can move through really big feelings or big emotions, or you know how to move through things when stuff comes up, you know, when we're really really triggered or sometimes we can just wake up right and we can just be feeling really off and not understand or know what's going on. And I want to talk into this because I think it'd been a while since I'd actually gone through that. And we need to remember that when we go through these times or these emotions, it's often because we're going through another growth spurt, you know, like when we're growing and we're stepping into something and I know that is very true for me as I continue to grow with my comedy and to step into fear continuously. I'm getting challenged on a regular basis. So it's something that came up for me recently where I just was feeling like I was in a you know, slum, and although I've done a lot of work, and I know exactly how to move through my stuff and I have all the tools sometimes you know, meditating and journaling and breathwork and ice baths and all of the things that we've been told that we need to do, just don't cut it. And when that happens, I have now learned that what I really need to do... and don't get me wrong, journaling does help me a lot and so to all those other tools, but sometimes what we really need to do is to sit with ourselves and that would have to be one of the most important lessons that I've ever learned is to just sit you know, like just sit with ourselves sit with our thoughts. And when I say sit with yourself, it doesn't mean like, you know, sit and listen to music and sit and read a book and see it like all those things are amazing. And I'm not trying to discredit anything like that. I'm just trying to say that sitting with your thoughts is a really powerful tool that not enough of us do. And the reason why we don't is because it's painful. It's like we want always to be in other people's company or we want to always be doing something. But it is so powerful when you can just see it with yourself and your thoughts and witness your thoughts, you know, witness them with no judgment, you know, just with openness and be curious about what it is that you're thinking and question them. Like is that really true? And here's the thing, it seems like such a simple thing to do, right? Just to sit with yourself, but in actual fact, it's something that we all avoid. And I know that I'm definitely you know, I've definitely been avoiding it. Because it means that you've got to work through your own stuff. So you know, we can avoid it in so many ways. It's not like we mean to, it's just that we get distracted. There are so many distractions out there at the moment. And it really takes a lot of accountability and responsibility and discipline to go. No! I'm not going to fucking keep scrolling. I'm going to get off my social media. I'm going to put a time limit or I'm going to turn off my notifications or literally put my phone in another room, as crazy as that may sound. Sometimes that's what I need to do because if I'm going to... for me, my distractions will come when I'm trying to step into something like you know, memorize a script, or write some stuff. I'll keep going back to what's familiar and that's my phone. And that's just doing the things or keep busy or maybe go put some washing out. So I need to go no right now I need to sit with myself. I need half an hour to do what I need to do. Or just sit with my thoughts and you know, feel what I need to feel so just back to that. I think it's important that we notice what's keeping us from sitting with ourselves, you know, like a lot of the time when stuff comes up. You know, we might work a lot and I know that that's something that is really praised in today's society and I've spoken about that before on a podcast earlier on, that if you work a lot, you don't see that as trying to suppress what you're feeling or a way to run away from what you're feeling or you're numbing or tapping out because it's praise. It's like he works a lot or she works a lot good on her good on him. He's a hustler, she's a hustler. But it's like what cost like, Are you ignoring what's coming up for you? Are you finding that you're just suppressing what's coming up and working overworking so that you don't feel what you need to feel or are you on social media a lot? Or are you offering your time to others a lot like trying to make sure that you're there for others, but in fact, you're not actually making that time for yourself? Or are you playing games and I feel like I say this because I don't do it. Maybe women do it as well but I don't take my phone to the toilet right? And I don't take my phone to the toilet because I need to take as much time out as I possibly can and so I don't have long showers because I have a few a day. So my showers are like 5-10 minutes, not even, but I have two or three so that's not my time where I sit in there for 20 minutes to half an hour like a lot of people do where they can see with their thoughts. So the bathroom you know if I'm in the toilet or I'm going for a walk I also tried to take my phone so that I can actually sit with myself and this is what I'm trying to say so people will take you know music wherever they can. And I'm not saying that music is bad. I'm just saying you need to have some time, especially if you're really overwhelmed, to just be in the silence like even when I meditate. I don't actually meditate to anything that's guided or any music in particular. Sometimes I do. But a lot of the time when I'm trying to work through stuff that I'm feeling. I actually sit in the silence. And I really felt like for example the school holidays it was really hard because the kids are home and we were both trying to work and so I was trying to just get out. And I just I was in overwhelm. I was so overwhelmed. And I wasn't in a very good way and I know that it was because I didn't have enough time out for myself. And I when I say timeout it's not about me going out. It's literally about me going in. So I needed to go within and I needed to be quiet and I needed the peace and I just wasn't able to get that so, you know I did what I had to do with my children and put them on my mother in law's that I could no it's like I bounced back straightaway. You know, I had half an hour to myself where I just sat in my room and sat with myself and felt what I needed to feel and I worked through stuff and I realized that a lot of the thoughts that were coming up weren't real and they weren't mine and I worked through that but I couldn't do that with all the noise. So I just really want if you are feeling shit, down, angry whatever you're feeling, please know that when you take that time to sit with yourself and talk to yourself and tell yourself that you are safe and tell yourself that you got this and that this will pass you will move through it a lot faster. You know if you take this approach and it works for me. It works for my husband and works with my clients. I think that it's just taking that time out and being aware of how many distractions you've got in your life and how many things you're actually using to tap out and yes, so I really want to share that because it's such a simple tool yet. It seems so hard for so many of us to do. But it's like if you can't sit with yourself for half an hour. How do you expect others to want to be in your company do you not I'm trying to say it's like you want to be around other people but you don't even want to be around yourself. Like that's crazy, right? So you know I really want you to look at that as a as a little date with yourself, you know, for you to go within yourself and see what comes up and you know, reach out to me on Instagram and let me know if you've tried this because, you know, it's a tool that I wish I knew a long time ago because I was very much scared of my emotions, scared of my feelings. But in actual fact, it's it's, it's when you actually stop ignoring them and attend to it and attend to that inner child and that inner voice inside of you is when you can really grow and can really make some amazing changes in your life. Thanks for listening if you found value in this content, please subscribe to my podcast and head over to Instagram at elated_you to see what I'm getting up to bye.