Elated You Podcast

Visualise to Actualise

Sarah Michaels Episode 30

In this episode, we explore the idea that visualisation is a crucial step in manifesting your dreams, but it is not enough on its own. 

We discuss the common misconception that simply creating a vision board or repeating affirmations will bring you what you want. I will discuss the importance of truly experiencing the emotions and sensations associated with the vision in order to manifest it into existence.

We dive deeper into the topic of manifestation, exploring how our beliefs, thoughts, and actions all play a role in creating our reality and be discussing my personal journey of learning to trust the process and let go of limiting beliefs in order to manifest my own dreams.

If you're looking to take your manifestation practice to the next level, this episode will provide you with valuable insights and practical tips to help you harness the power of feeling and visualization to bring your dreams to life.

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Hello beautiful soul. I'm Sarah Michaels and welcome to the lady Elated You podcast, where we dive deep into the world of self discovery, growth and healing to find out who you truly are so today I really want to talk about my views on vision boards. So today we'll talk about vision boards and why I think that they don't work. I truly believe that in my heart if you have a vision board with all these amazing things like your dream car, your dream house and all of the beautiful things that are luxurious, or the incredible boyfriend, whatever it is, right? But you are not believing that you deserve that, like in your core, you don't believe that you really deserve or you're deserving. Of these things, then it's not a match. It's not an energetic match with what you're asking for. So I'll give you an example. I don't do vision boards, I do vision, you know, mindset. So I have these visions in my head, but I really feel into what it would feel like and once upon a time I couldn't even envision the dream house because I didn't actually think that I could truly have that I didn't think that I could ever be on a stage or I could do the things that I'm already doing now. But the minute I started to go hard, I am deserving of that the minute I started working on myself, and I think that's why I'm really big corporate on self development. Because if you can have enough self love and work on you know, your perhaps you've got a money scarcity mindset. Everyone has a different belief system. And a lot of mine wasn't mine. It was actually coming from my external family or environment and from childhood, most of the time it comes from childhood. So for me, the minute I was able to work on Hold on, that's actually not part of my belief system. I actually don't believe that you need to work really, really hard and stay in a job for a really long time to have incredible things and make a lot of money. But that's what my belief system was for a very long time. Because, you know, that was what my mom taught me. That's what people taught me. That's what the people around me believed. And obviously I took on that belief, but now I know that you can work smarter and you can work and do the thing that you love. I also was told that you can't make money from doing the things that you love, like whether it's comedy or singing or acting then you just end up a waitress and you'd end up on the street. And so for a long time, that was my fear. So I could say I wanted those things. But my core belief system was like, but you can't because if you do, this is going to be the consequence. So for me, I really had to go back and change all of my you know, beliefs and go I am deserving of this and I love myself enough that I am going to work hard towards this. And now I can see that ripple effect of me getting everything that I've ever manifested or dreamed of in my life. And the same thing with my partner and I think that if you've got a partner that's in the work, and you are both manifesting together, it's like double the impact. It really really is. And our goals are the same and our mindset is the same and we hold each other accountable, and we lift each other up. And that is really important because you want to stay in that vibration you want to stay in that frequency. And I'm not talking about you know, toxic positivity, but what I'm talking about is staying in that high vibration so that you do become the energetic match. And you know, something, I believe is if you are wanting the dream home and so here's another thing sorry before I talk into that, some people put the vision up of the car and the house and whatever and then alike but is that selfish is that greedy? If I'm asking for all this abundance, and it's financial, because you know there's a lot of stories around money and money being evil and money and just recently I heard someone say money is evil man because they're associated with people that have money and are doing really great things. However money just makes you more comfortable or makes you more of what you are. So if you're a giving person and you're giving to the poor and you're helping people, you'll just be able to do that on a bigger scale. So I don't believe that money changes you. I believe you've always been that way, and money just magnifies it and now people can see it. So if you have that mindset, we're like, well, but when money is evil, and then you're wanting money, are you really going to strive for the money or you're gonna have a block there because deep down you think it's evil and you don't really want to be evil. So you block yourself. And this is why it's so important to go back and change all those stories now. I forgot what I was saying. But yeah, so there was something else I wanted to talk into about. Oh, yes. So what I do is that, you know, we go in and have a look at inspections or we go into Google and have a look@ realestate.com at these homes and what it would look like to actually walk in and I'm a visual person so I need to see things and I need to feel things so for me it's if you want to live in Tuscany for example. Then you need to go to Tuscany on a holiday and you need to feel what it would feel like in your body in your bones to live there. If you want to this big home but you've never actually been like you want this mansion or you want this Lamborghini for example. You want this Lamborghini but you've never even sat in a Lamborghini. It's like you need to go and hire one you need to go and test drive one you need to feel it. So when you manifest it, you feel it. You feel what it feels like you feel you can see it with your mind's eye when you're not in it. So, for me, this is something that we do we do search we do look up homes and we feel what it feels like to be in it. We feel we envision what it would feel like for us to have a certain amount of money or what it would feel like if we were more in love. So even when my husband and I weren't really connected and one of my manifestations was that we have this beautiful loving relationship. Now that's really difficult when you're in a shoe place fight. So I struggled with that, but I had to imagine what that fairy tale looked like what it what the new asks would look like. And in time it started happening slowly, which then allowed me to open my eyes to more of that and more of that and when you start to see it working and so I think if you start with something small, and see how that pans out, when you see your manifestation coming to life, it becomes addictive. It's like what else can I manifest what else can I manifest? But like I said, you've got to do it. Right? There's just so many people out there talking about manifestation and I love that they are but then I hear so many people that aren't in the work talking about it going but I manifested this that I'm manifesting That's bullshit. No, of course it is because you haven't done the inner work. It's so important to do the inner work, like I said, because if you don't believe that you're deserving of it, it's not coming for you. It's not going to align for you. I hope that was helpful. Yeah, and if you do want to work on yourself, I have many programs one on one and group programs that work on the self belief the self love the inner child the shadows, you know, all the things that will help you to get that mindset to manifest and do it light. Thanks for listening. If you found value in this content, please subscribe to my podcast and head over to Instagram at elated_you to see what I'm getting up to. Bye