Elated You Podcast
Elated You Podcast
Episode 39 - Creating Your Reality
In this episode, my husband Zein and I dive into how we can create our own realities. We chat about the importance of aligning our thoughts and beliefs with our actions to truly transform our lives. We share insights from experts like Dr. Joe Dispenza and Tony Robbins on changing mindsets and the power of believing in ourselves.
We also talk about practical tips like meditation, setting boundaries, and doing things that make us happy. Whether it’s meditating more, cutting out negative people, or finding hobbies that light us up, we discuss how these steps help shape a positive and abundant life.
This episode is perfect for anyone looking to change their life and find practical ways to live more intentionally. If you’re ready to start creating the reality you’ve always dreamed of, this conversation is a great place to start. Join us as we share our journey and tips to help you on your way.
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So on today's episode, we're going to be talking about how to create your own reality.
That's right.
And I want to talk about this because as you know, I always get asked this question from my clients and this is what people want to work on generally. And I want to talk about how we've created our own reality.
And I also want to ask you the question, like, I want to, I want to hear your perspective.
Just in case no one knows me and my name is Zein by the way, I'll do the back end sort of thing. So
Zein is my husband and yes, people do know you. and Zein is now going to be showing up a lot more inside, would you say outside or inside the business?
Cause you've been working inside.
The front of the business as opposed to the back of the business.
Yeah, that's right.
So I could never do, obviously, elated you without you. Oh,
same deal. Same deal, hon.
Okay. So, but I just feel like, you know, it's always good to get another perspective and we've got, like you're, I'm more of the feeling, whereas you're more, like you talk more.
Getting it done.
Yeah. And more the science behind stuff too.
And what Dr. Joe Dispenza always says is that if you want to change your reality, you have to change your personality.
And it's one of the hardest things I reckon. for us to do as human beings, because it's hard to see, the future when you're in the current situation that you're in.
Yeah, so you might be in a situation where you might be feeling in a state of lack, maybe, maybe because as a result of childhood, whatever it may be. But in today's podcast, what we want to do is we want to answer some questions relating to how we create our reality, what are the things that we can do, and the things that we can, accomplish as a result.
So hun, you get a lot of clients, you get a lot of breathwork clients as well as a lot of coaching clients. So you probably know this more than most.
If someone's going to ask you, what does creating a reality look like?
You've got to change it the way you think. So you've got to change your thoughts. You've got to change your beliefs because I'm someone that, you know, a lot of my clients would be like, Oh, I'm doing the vision board and I'm manifesting and I'm thinking about all these things that I want.
And it's like, okay, it's one thing. to see what you want, but do you truly believe that you're worthy
of having
That's powerful.
100%. Dr. Joe Dispenza talks about, it's not enough to actually just think the thing. For example, don't think, Oh, I want the perfect man in my life. I want the perfect man.
You need to actually be in a reality where you're deserving. You're feeling that you can actually deserve that. Person in your life or whether it's abundance or whether it's that job or whatever it is The thought needs to be congruent with the feeling
exactly. I was about to say that And that would have to be one of the most challenging things to do But that's fine, because think about it, if it was easy, we'd all be walking billionaires on your yacht sippin pina coladas, right?
Yeah, exactly. So, you can try it with a small thing. So when I say that, like, try it with something, like a smaller thing that you know that you may achieve to see if it works. Before you think of the big thing, because there's no point thinking of the mansion with a basement and 20 cars downstairs. And, and you know, you're going out with this guy and you would never even dream of having a guy like that.
It's not going to happen because if you don't believe that you can get a guy like that, if you don't believe that you're worthy of having these cars and this being in this house, you can't actually see yourself in the house. We've never even seen a house that's got three stories. and a basement with 20 cars in it, then bullshitting yourself.
Exactly. Exactly. So can I
give an example? Go for it. Yes. Do you want to say something first?
I was going to lead into the next question. No,
no, but I want to keep going on this cause it's important. And I feel like people need to understand that because it's not that easy just to get to where you need to get to, you have to work with a coach.
Yep. You have to work with someone that's going to hold you accountable. You've got to also like something that I taught in the level up is. What makes you feel abundant? We all have to discuss what makes you feel abundant and I've said this before for me and you know this I love seafood.
I'm not a drinker If I was going to drink, yes it would be an expensive champagne, but I don't like the way it makes me feel so why would that be one of the things that makes Moe doesn't make me feel abundant or Cristal or whatever Yep.
For me, it's oysters and caviar and you know, an abundance amount of lobster and prawns. And so for Christmas, that's what we do. And that makes me feel good. Not because it's an expensive food. For me, it's a
full fridge. I love having a full fridge.
But I always have a full fridge and I can, and I do, right?
And I, me too. But if you can live in that abundance frequency, because the word abundance only means more, right? So whether it's love, whether it's more money, if you can feel what it feels like to love. a lot of money, if that's your thing, or let's say for us, we want to move to the Middle East and we want to move to a hot climate where we, I know exactly what it looks like.
What would that feel like for us? If on a Monday, Tuesday, we had a membership to the pool resort where it felt like a holiday, taking the laptop and working from there.
What would
that feel like? All year round, sun on you, tan, how good would that feel?
Hmm. That leads me actually to the next question because it's so easy to actually think the thing, but to actually feel it is another thing, right?
We can say here all day, I'm a millionaire, I'm a millionaire, I'm a millionaire. You know, at the back of mind, it's not true, right? So the best way to actually remove that limiting belief, there's, there's this thing that Tony Robbins has come up with, it's called the success cycle. Okay. The success cycle is essentially about how everyone's got potential, right?
And how we all need to tap into that potential. I'll give you an example. So let's just say, you have the potential to start a business and that's what you want to do, right? Because you want to be a successful entrepreneur, whatever it is. You, you, you, tap into that potential and go, right, okay, I need to take action.
Based on that action is going to create a belief, right? That belief is going to create a result. As a result, it's going to add more to your potential. So whether negative or positive, the more potential, that you have, the more action you put in place, the more results that you produce and the better belief that you have about yourself, right? It's just a cycle there. So the more you can actually do that, the more confidence you have in yourself, the more belief you have in yourself and the more likely you're going to actually achieve the result that you want to achieve.
That's so true. Yeah. And that's like. The back end of what we're talking about. So for those people that are like, Oh, But I want to explain this to my partner, but they think it's too woo woo. This is, there's woo woo, but then there's facts behind this stuff, you know? I love both of them, but for me Louise Hay a lot of my analogies, like the universe being a mirror and whatever you feel, and I've, I've, I've come up with an analogy before I even listened to her.
it just, sometimes I have these analogies and that's a big one for me is that the universe is a mirror. And if you come from a place of lack, which don't get me wrong, sometimes that happens to us. And sometimes that is me and I cannot see that future, but then there are other times where I see it, I feel it, and then everything starts working in my favor.
So it's about feeling and seeing it, but being consistent with it and holding onto that feeling and that vision throughout the day and then throughout the weeks and throughout the months until you reach your goals. And that is what's tough when you've got kids and then you've got bills and you've got all this other stuff and all these other, you know, external factors coming in to play to try and stay with that energetic match of who you are.
So remembering that the universe is a mirror. mirroring whatever it is. So you go, Oh my God, I've got all these, this Oscar speeding fine. Oh my God, I've got to pay that. I'm going to pay these next minute. you get a bill. Next minute, the rates come in. So the more you focus on that, it's going to just be a mirror back to you.
But if you sit there and go, I'm, and you feel this rich human being, it's like when you're on holiday, if you start to manifest when you're on holiday, it's probably going to be a lot better. That's why I said we were on the cruise to meditate more than what we usually do, because I know I'll be able to feel it even more so.
Yeah, a hundred percent.
Right. So just remembering that there's a mirror, mirroring back what you are.
That's beautiful.
Thank you.
Next question. What's the next question? Oh, okay. What would be three things that you would do to start changing your reality? Like, what things would you implement right now?
100 percent meditating.
Mm hmm.
And journaling.
Because that helps me, and I always tell my clients to do it, get you out of your head. Because there's no point, if you've got all these negative stories, right, in your head, What's going to happen is all that negative talk is going to stop you from manifesting.
So even when I go to meditate, when I've got shit going on in my head, I can't focus on manifesting and my meditation and just being in peace. Because what's happening to me is I've got a whole list of things I need to do, which means I'm in my head. So I go through all of those things in the beginning of my meditation.
Maybe you don't have that. I know you can get, you can tap in a lot faster. I've got ADHD. So for me, putting the washing online, go to Chadstone to pick up the runners, all of those things come into my mind and then I can drop into my meditation. So when I say meditate, I don't mean 10 minutes. If you really want to start believing you've got to do it for longer and we've got to go into inner child work.
Okay. That's not to say that, you know, you can't start with five minutes or ten minutes, whatever it is. You
build it up.
Build yourself up there. But me personally, if I was going to actually start creating my reality, I'll do these three things. First thing is actually take care of my body and the things that I eat.
Right? We want to make sure that we can start to do the things that make us feel good. Because if we feel good, we think good. If we think good, we do good. That's the first thing. The second thing is just cut out the toxic people in your life. Don't have people in your life that aren't lifting you up.
If they are putting you down, or if you feel like your energy gets zapped when you're around them, then you need to actually set healthy boundaries and either limit there, or limit time that you have with them or just cut them out completely. And the third thing is have something that you do that lights you up.
For me, I've been starting to run three, four K's straight. What I'm trying to aim to do is I want to actually go play soccer again. Okay. I'm 41 years old. I want to play soccer again. I'll do, I'll do, look, I want to play for like an over 40 soccer team or whatever it is.
I just love to go back. I would just love to go back and have a kick again.
You were doing it. It was,
but the one thing that was stopping me was my cardiovascular health
and I
was smoking as well.
yeah, so I haven't smoked for a few years now. So, and I've been running and I've been feeling good. And if I play soccer again, that would really light me up.
Exactly. That's right. And that's why I like to do my comedy reels and I have that going because that lights me up.
And when I'm not doing that, you can see the difference in me. I love elated you and I love helping my clients, but my passion is in the kitchen. Like as in not cleaning, but cooking.
I love cooking, creating, and I love making people laugh.
Yeah. So the key takeaway is if you want to create your reality, you need to make sure that you take care of yourself, whether it's your body, self care activities like meditation, journaling, whatever it is. Make sure you have the people around you that actually lift you up as opposed to bring you down and do things that light you up.
Yeah. Be careful when we say cut out toxic people, because I was told by coach in the past, like just cut out toxic people, blah, blah, blah, but be careful if sometimes you can, you need to speak up as well. And also like sometimes they can be our triggers, but in terms of definitely, I agree. I agree. Like.
hanging around with people that light us up, which we've been doing a lot more recently. it makes a massive difference because like we were at the beach with Zein's, cousins the other day and then they brought their cousins. It was really, really nice. You know, especially when they're saying things like, like, let, let,
let us know when you've got your show.
We'll be there. Let, make sure you let us know. And then their friends are like, yeah, make sure you let us know. It's not about my ego now. Yeah. And that would have
fired you up.
it fires me up because it's like these people actually like my content. These people actually really like that they want to come.
They genuinely are telling me, please, you know, and these people will be getting free tickets when I've become famous. So, you know, just be mindful. I want to say this, even though this is 100 percent another podcast, be mindful that the bigger your goal and the bigger your dream, this is a massive one.
Remember the bigger your goal, the bigger your dream, The bigger the shadow.
and what I mean by that really simply is that if you start having bigger goals and you start having these bigger dreams You are gonna feel more scared. Yeah, because the shadow gets bigger your shadow like that fear starts to come up I'm not good
I'm not worthy of this. Yeah, all that stuff
That's exactly what happened to me a year ago a year and a half ago when I started talking about how I wanna, you know Do a bigger comedy show and I could 100 percent see it and I was speaking about it quite openly and then I was like shit What have I done?
That's going to be a lot of work. I'm in my forties. I mean, I'm nearly 50. How can I do this? What if I don't? What if I fail? Maybe I shouldn't. Maybe I shouldn't. My kids make it. Maybe it's, I'm too late. And all this stuff, what it all did was make me stop doing what I was doing because I got so scared. So be mindful that when you are setting goals that you do need to work with someone because this stuff comes up and you don't realize and it creeps up on you.
imposter syndrome is what it is and it will bring you back down again.
Anything else we're going to say?
Yeah, no, that's, this is beautiful. I think we've got a lot of people should takeaways and nuggets from that.
So I love doing the podcast
with you. Thanks. I hope you enjoyed guys. Take care.